About Me

Talya Pardo Ricardo

CEO & Founder Phoenix Rising Mentoring

& Phoenix Rising Publishing

The Journey

I spent my life diving deep into stories. First, they were the fiction stories I read to escape the turmoil of my childhood. Then, they were the trauma and drama of my marriage. Not surprisingly, I found myself drawn to a profession that allows you to dive into and escape into stories; I became a librarian. 

I was a children’s librarian for 20 years before I experienced my first true dark night of the soul. I had driven myself to exhaustion trying to be everything at the same time: the security and sanctuary for my children as a single mother after my divorce, the responsible and respectable community figure in my job as Library Director and Program Organizer, example of involvement by participating in parent committees at my children’s school, all the while trying to rebuild my personal life. It was too much. 

As the universe will do, it brought everything to a standstill for me suddenly right before covid…

Deep Transformation

I worked hard to transform myself, my behaviors, my relationships and the structure of my entire life. I studied to be an editor—because there was no way I could completely leave the book world—and I worked to become a life coach, because I feel called now to help others along their journeys after experiencing such deep healing and transformation from my own inner work.

In my work as a life coach and intuitive mentor, I primarily focus on shifting dysfunctional behavior patterns, rewiring the brain to conquer anxiety, healing core wounds, understanding feminine and masculine energy, and helping people discover their true self, who they want to be and to help them take the steps to transforming their lives. If the client is comfortable, I also incorporate the use of visualisation exercises, body scan meditations and Oracle and Tarot cards for intuitive guidance.

Finding Purpose

When it comes to writing, editing and publishing, I know that often authors are compelled to write, that there is something in their soul that drives the story outward. I help authors develop their stories to make them compelling, well written and resonant. I also format and publish them for their audiences to love and devour. 

My purpose is to guide the author and their story to be as clear, resonant and impactful as possible, while maintaining their unique and authentic voice and vision. I will work with an author at any stage of writing: developing the idea, substantively editing the story once it is written, copy editing and proofreading, formatting and publishing their book. See editing and publishing packages for more detail.

All in all, it’s all about stories, and my purpose is to support you in making your soul story extraordinary and magical.